Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July! Hope you enjoy your independence, like I enjoy mine.

Fellow subjects... er, I mean citizens (Thomas Jefferson's revision of American vernacular, made with one fell swoop of ink on the original Declaration of Independence;, it is great to have a weekend such as this when we can celebrate the birth of our country, and to take a much-needed break from working a busy summer.  This tends to serve as the "halfway point" in our household, with me working in the landscaping and construction industry, and with my wife being a school teacher whose summer is starting to approach the mid point.  In Minnesota, most kids go to school into the first week of June, and then return after Labor Day.  However, her schedule of duties pick up again in early August.  July 4th is her reminder to "get out and enjoy summer while it lasts."  

It is great to be independent, and to celebrate the independence that was granted to us by the Continental Congress of the first 13 colonial states, on July 4, 1776, ensuing a battle for our freedom from the British Empire which would last until the Treaty of Paris was signed on Sept. 3, 1783. 

With the valour that was seen by the Continental Army under the direction of General George Washington, marching his troops for hundreds of miles, engaging in bloody battles, setting up winter camps and erecting complex bunkers while they endure the harshest of winter conditions at Valley Forge and Morristown, NJ,... it is easy to overlook the strength and power that was brought to us when we formed alliances.  These alliances became significant factors in our success in routing the British and ensuring our independence. 

On February 6, 1778 the French Alliance was signed and we formally teamed up with France (France had already been giving us support in money and munitions in assistance with the Dutch) and their maritime war with the British tied up portions of their fleet, just as their wars with the British in the West Indies, India, and other regions of the world tied up some of their resources.  The French also sent 6,000 troops over to fight with the Continental Army on land in 1779 and 1780, in addition to their naval fleet, which played key roles in the latter battles that helped cut off British supply lines and lead to the surrounding of Cornwallis in the Seige at Yorktown.  In 1779, Spain had also aligned with France and continued their battle with the British at sea, with France and Spain also threatening an attack directly upon the British homelands.  These combined threats aided the efforts of the United States of America in attaining its victory and its independence, and helped to set the course of history.

Good alliances can play a key role in overcoming a enormous challenges and bringing about success.  In what we do at Landscape Design Studios, our good alliances are our great network of contractors, our Associated Contractors, who have proven time and time again to bring a good value, a great professional workmanship, and a good record of accountability to help ensure the success of our projects, and the success of Landscape Design Studios.  It is a great priviledge to work with them, and it would be a great satisfaction to continue to work together and stay busy for the rest of the summer.  We will continue to try and do our part to make 2010 a busy year, and a great success for everyone!  Thank you!

Thank you, also, to the brave men and women who stood up to tyranny and injustice, and our allies in France, Spain, the Netherlands, and some key Native American tribes, who helped us as we declared and fought for our independence with valour and sacrifice, as we secured our independence as the United States of America..


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